
Feedback – With Very Positive Intent

Personal Branding I’ve had an interesting two weeks. Interesting, insightful, eye-opening and lightbulb moments about branding, feedback and pride – they’ve all been a big part of my December. I had a great opportunity to work with Zoë Cohen (another Executive Coach)...

At a crossroads?

I was at a crossroads… I didn’t think I was. It actually felt like a dead-end. One that I’d driven up myself. 3 years ago I’d taken a new role, and a new department – rather than face the other option of redundancy. How naive was I. How...

Bounceback-ability aka Resilience

If your bounceback rate = A, then A = C-B ….where B is the time that an event occurred that completely derailed you, and C is the bounceback time that you thought “Right, bring-it on I’m ready to recover from this now, what’s next?” It follows that C-B is your...